Dr. Michael Francis, DC is the Wilmington DE Chiropractor for Peak Performance, with a focus on both Sports and Auto Injuries.

Can chiropractors help with fertility?

July 30, 2020

HomeBlogCan chiropractors help with fertility?

What is Infertility?

To correctly understand infertility, it is important to first comprehend what normal fertility is first. When the time comes that a couple considers having a child, or starting a family to be the thing that brings their relationship to the next level, it usually takes about a year or less to achieve pregnancy. 85% of couples usually only need around one year of trying for a child to achieve pregnancy, with most of those reaching that point earlier in the year, but a small 7% don’t make it until the second year. Even though the people that only get pregnant until 2 years later usually end up conceiving a child with no unusual complications or pains, if you still continue to try but no results are present then it may be time to think about your own health. 

Infertility Is The Inability to Conceive a Child Within 12 Months

Since only 7% of all trying couples aren’t able to conceive a child within the first 12 months, that remaining 7% could either have complications with the man or the woman as normal semen or a normal egg is more than fertile and active enough to react to each other within the first year. No need to worry though, as an endocrinologist can help but other signs may show themselves even before you try, such as 

  • Infrequent menstrual periods
  • Being a female over 35 years of age
  • Any type of history of pelvic infections or sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
  • Known uterine fibroids or endometrial polyps
  • Any known abnormalities from the male’s sperm

Chiropractic care has been proven to help in the treatment of infertility, as it is able to treat the most common reasons for female infertility. Most of the time, female infertility is caused by a combination of ovulation dysfunction, problems in the fallopian tube, and other pelvic and hormonal issues. Chiropractors use certain methods to promote healing, healthy lifestyles, active lives. Many of these different factors and therapies can change one’s abilities to conceive a child. 

Can Chiropractic Care Assist In Pregnancy?

Chiropractic care is used to assist women in conceiving children because the nerves that run through the spine of a woman eventually lead to their reproductive system. If any nerves become blocked or pinched, this could lead to the spine becoming misaligned. For instance, if nerves in the reproductive system become blocked, then the spine could become misaligned, which could lead to the reproductive system not functioning as well and imbalances to your hormones, and other complications that could lead to infertility. Any movement restrictions to the spinal cord will contribute to the restriction of cerebrospinal fluid. Restrictions to this fluid will alter the flow/impact of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland which directly impacts the regeneration of hormones that are vital to the functioning of your reproductive system. 

Spinal Manipulation

Any misalignments to the spine that require adjustment can affect many of the glands and organs that are used to keep the reproductive system active. Since the nerves that lead to the reproductive system usually start around the lower back, chiropractic spinal manipulation can improve bodily function, and promote your body to effectively and naturally heal itself. Correct alignment and adjustment to the spine will allow your body to restore healthy coordination in all of your bodily functions and systems. 

Chiropractic care is sure to assist your body in aligning and adjusting the spine correctly as it allows your body to heal itself naturally as well as allow your reproductive systems to work properly to increase the chances of your body conceiving a child.

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